10 Kota Paling Berbahaya Di Dunia

Posted by Unknown on 2/19/2011

kembali blog funget mengumpulkan informasi 10 terbaik didunia, kali ini kita akan berbicara tentang 10 kota yang paling berbahaya di dunia.
jika anda mungkin ingin berjalan-jalan dan melakukan traveling seperti backpaker, sendirian dan jauh dari teman-teman atau saudara anda, dibawah ini terdapat beberepa kota di dunia yang harus anda khawatirkan dan mungkin harus berhati-hati apabila ingin berkunjung ke tempat berikut. kota-kota ini terkenal karena banyaknya jumlah kriminalitas dengan statistic yang mengejutkan
10 - Bangkok, Thailand

Thailand adalah produsen opium dan heroin nomor 1 di dunia. tempat jalur obat-obatan tersebut adalah Bangkok. adapun yang membuat kota ini tidak aman adalah. tahun lalu mereka mendapatkan predikat atas 20.000 penyerangan, 13.500 perampokan dan 5.000 kasus pembunuhan. ditambah dengan adanya kekerasan dan kerusuhan sosial membuat bangkok bertengger di urutan nomor 10 kota paling berbahaya di dunia

9 - Guatemala City, Guatemala

pemerintahnya sangat korup dan mendapat bayaran setiap hari dari mafia narkoba. Guetamala city merupakan tempat strategis sebagai pusat penyelundupan narkoba di afrika utara. tingginya tingkat krimanal di kota ini dikarenakan banyakanya turis asing yang menjadi korban perampokan bersenjata, pembunuhan bahkan perampokan. disarankan jika anda berkunjung ke kota ini jangan pernah berjalan malam hari, jangan membawa dompet atau perhiasan jika nyawa anda ingin selamat
8 - Baghdad, Iraq

saya rasa anda tahu kenapa masuk kedalam kategori kota yang tidak aman untuk dikunjungi, tingginya tingkat kekerasan sebagai negara yang hancur akibat perang menyebabkan kelumpuhan ekonomi di irak yang tentu memicu tingginya tingkat kejahatan. sejak perang irak yang dilancarkan AS sejak tahun 2003 untuk menggulingkan presiden sadam Husein. irak bagaikan neraka di bumi. perang saudara, pemberontakan kurdi, bom bunuh diri dan bentuk kekerasan lainnya. ratusan ribu warga irak telah meninggal dan banyak lainya melarikan diri termasuk juga ke negara kita.

7 - Grozny, Chechnya, Russia

di kota ini, lebih banyak anggota mafianya daripada polisi. kota ini tidak dijalankan oleh pemerintah tapi oleh gangster. setiap detik terjadi pembunuhan, kalau di kalkulasikan lebih dari 85 orang dibunuh sehari di sini. suatu statistik yang menakjubkan, bukan itu saja prostitusi dan peredaran narkoba dijalankan oleh syndikat Rusia. penculikan dan pemerkosaan. tidak lupa juga anda harus ingat bahwa Checnya masih dalam konflik perang saudara, anda harus baerpikir dua kali jika ingin berkunjung kesini

6 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

If you're planning on travelling to Brazil, think twice. It is not a matter of where your mugged it is when. When you get off the plane in Rio, they hand you a pamphlet that tells people they should have no jewelry any wallet policy when they walk around. Crime rates have soared over the past 2 yrs. A drug cartel, called the Piranhas, resides in Rio, and they are responsible for many murders and abductions. There were 8000 murders in Rio last year, that is close to 20 murders a day. Most of the murders happen in the poverty stricken areas, but the city as a whole is growing in severe poverty problems.

5 - Bogota, Colombia

Bogota is the main port for drugs and guns coming up from Colombia to panama. People get murdered in plain daylight every day. Forget going out at night. You need to be packing heat. It beats most South American cities by far. I think that carrying a machete around on your back, is a very good way to avoid a mugging. It's also easily explained to immigration, as long as there's some jungle around. Speaking the local language and knowing a little about fighting is a good idea, just in case. I would avoid Bogota if traveling to South America.

4 - Cape Town, South Africa

Murder and robbery stats have been very high for many years in Cape Town. In one year they had 71,500 sexual offenses, 18,400 burglaries and 13,900 business robberies. There are approximately 50 murders a day in South Africa and more than 1/2 of those murders are in Cape Town. The city is in a huge recession making robberies very common. Cape Town is in a great state of poverty, making crime a part of the peoples everyday life. Going out at night is not advised.

3 - Mogadishu, Somalia

It is really hard to find statistical information on this city, but I know I've seen it on the top of many lists. Even with no data to report on this city, the governments warning to travel here is extremely high. Mogadishu has one of the highest terrorist populations in the world. There is an ongoing civil war going on in Somalia's capital, which poses a huge risk to anyone travelling there. Hundreds of people are wounded every day in Mogadishu's empty streets. No one knows how many people are actually killed there, but the numbers would be outrageous. Looting, Prowling, kidnapping, gunfire, etc... makes Mogadishu one of the top 3 most dangerous cities.

2 - Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

This place has a serious problem with robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault and drug-related crimes. 120 killings per 100,000 residents. Ciudad Juarez is located just across the USA border. It has 1.5 million people and a really bad reputation. Recently drug Cartels have started a war against one another, making it very dangerous for travellers. This place is Violent. They are the number two city in the world for murders, most of them drug-related. 50% of all murders in Mexico come from Ciudad Juarez.

1 - Caracas, Venezuela

Latin America is by far the most dangerous place in the world. If you searched dangerous places on the internet, you would find at least 20 South American countries on the list. With drug cartels, and poverty, Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, ranks the highest for murder and crime in the world. Per 100,000 people this city has the highest rate of murders, kidnappings, and rapes in 2009. 130 murders and 537 reported kidnappings. They have nicknamed the city the murder capital of the world. Not to mention Venezuela is the world leader in drug trafficking mainly cocaine. The country has increased its poverty level since the 1970's 300%. In In the last 5 yrs. Caracas has topped the list for homicides by population. You better be a mobster if you plan on visiting Caracas.

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